Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bleeding Hearts Catches Flying Hearts

Bleeding Hearts was casting magic.

"And...go!" she said, sparks flying past her fingers, catching onto each other and forming little pictures in the air. Hearts straightened, hands on her hips, a pleased look on her face.

"That's more like it, isn't it Ankh?" she asked the black cat weaving around her ankles. From Ankh's collar dangled the cat's namesake.

"That's the best I've done all year. And just in time for Halloween! With my fire-pictures as a mask, I'll scare everyone upstairs!"

Ankh purred. Hearts smiled and picked her up, wrapping her in the folds of her much-too-oversized sweater. She walked along on the crooked stones of the town, past Town Square and the fountain of green poison spouting from the gargoyle. Her sneakers made a distinctive shuffle sound. Her pants were torn at the knees, worn at the feet where they often got snagged on her shoes.

A hint of red tapped her nose as it fluttered down. Ankh jumped down, pawing at the other splatches of red flitting down. Hearts caught one of the red things and looked at it.

It was a red heart. And they were falling from the sky.

What was going on?

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