Friday, December 30, 2011


Reluctantly, Rag doll stood up and put his arms out.
"how... how did you think of this?" He wondered.
She didn't seem like one to stir up a lot of trouble... Yet here she was, starting trouble.

"I just did." She replied to him, still sewing while her magic fabric measurer took the lengths of his body.
"oh..." He felt his heart sag, any one in this city would make a better Pumpkin king than him. He couldn't even think of a plan scary enough to scare the Valentines.
"Do you want me to help?' He asked.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wanted: More Measuring

He watched as her face brightened.

"May I?" she asked, motioning towards the patch. He handed it to her. She sewed it on the left sleeve. "Perfect! Now stand up so I can measure you," she directed. She motioned with her magic at the fabric tape measure, which rose and floated towards them.

"Come on. Up, up, up," she said to Rag Doll. "We've got to hurry before they get back and see what we're doing."

Helpful.... Possibly

Rag doll  paced back and forth trying his hardest to not look in Heart's direction. She was doing something, probably something smart, which was more than what he could do right now!
He sat down and put his head in his hands. Why did he let himself get so worked up?! He couldn't concentrate when he was upset. What he needed was to calm down and think of a plan.
He couldn't help the world if he couldn't help himself.

When he finally looked at Hearts he was amazed. She had begun to recreate the uniforms that the Valentine's were wearing.
Now he felt even more of an idiot. Here she was, already come up with a plan and working on it and he was too stubborn to even look to help!
"they have a patch..." He said softly.
Hearts looked up from her sewing.
"There should be a patch on the left arm, it shows rank, at least I think it does... It looks like this."
He  sat next to her and grabbed some spare cloth and some thread then very quickly made a patch identical to the ones the Valentine's were wearing.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"The-the-the watching! And the....the staring, and the--would you just stop!" he blundered, complete with arms movements and sound effects.

"Sorry," she said, sitting on a pile of hay, playing with the needles and cloth. "I didn't realize I was doing any of that."

It was honest. Irritated as she was, she hadn't meant to make him uncomfortable. It wasn't part of her nature.

She started stitching the fabric by hand, hole after hole, using the rhythm to help her think. They needed to get out, but they also needed to not get caught. They would get caught, because it was obvious they were not from here. They needed to look like they were from Valentine-land. They needed disguises.

She looked around. She could make something, costumes. Disguises.

She magicked large strips of fabric. First she needed a ruler. She used her magic to cut a long, even strip of cloth. She started measuring herself, then marking the numbers down on the walls with magic. With her numbers, she started to etch out designs on the fabric, trying to remember what the uniforms looked like outside of this room.

With pieces cut out, she started stitching the fabric together. Good, good, this was turning out beautifully.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Not Encouragement

He scoffed.
"Me? Annoying? Not." yes. He was annoying, and he knew it.
But he wasn't about to let her know that.
"Just stop talking so I can think."
She glared at him then folded her arms her small frown turning into a scowl.
What was he going to do? could he do anything?
He just wanted to rip his arm off and throw it across the room!
He couldn't think with her seething at him in the corner.
"Stop it!" He yelled.
"Stop what?" She asked innocently.

Monday, December 26, 2011


"And you're so apt to have plans," she scoffed, eyeing the broken bowls from before. "You seem to wonder why I expect you to jump without thinking."

"Would you just shut up? Do you ever stop talking?" he spun around, annoyed desperation in his voice.

She frowned. Which hurt her mouth. She had tried to keep a smile on as much as she could during her life. How was it that she could last for years with never a frown, and then have this doll bring one up in only a few minutes?

"Ever considered that maybe you're the annoying one?" she spat.